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  1. 获取密码
pwd=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret example-argocd-cluster -o jsonpath='{.data.admin\.password}' | base64 -d)
echo $pwd
  1. CLI登录 可选:
  • --insecure: 忽略TLS验证
  • --grpc-web
lb_ip=$(kubectl get service example-argocd-server -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n argocd)
argocd login \
$lb_ip \
--username admin \
--password $pwd \
  1. 修改密码
argocd account update-password
  1. (可选)列出当前集群上下文
kubectl config get-contexts -o name
  1. (可选)添加集群权限级别的RBAC,即可在任意ns创建/删除应用(需要注意安全性), 示例:
argocd cluster add kubernetes-admin@kubernetes

之后进入到快速使用来创建项目(project)和创建应用(application), 使用项目来管理应用


  1. 创建项目, 分配该项目权限
argocd proj create frontend
  1. 添加仓库到项目 语法
argocd proj add-source <PROJECT> <REPO>


argocd proj add-source frontend


argocd proj get frontend


argocd proj remove-source <PROJECT> <REPO>


argocd proj add-source <PROJECT> !<REPO>


# Do not use the test repo in argoproj
- '!ssh://[email protected]:argoproj/test'
# Nor any Gitlab repo under group/
- '!**'
# Any other repo is fine though
- '*'
  1. 添加/集群与命名空间
argocd proj add-destination <PROJECT> <CLUSTER>,<NAMESPACE>


argocd proj add-destination frontend https://kubernetes.default.svc,frontend


argocd proj remove-destination <PROJECT> <CLUSTER>,<NAMESPACE>


argocd proj remove-destination <PROJECT> !<CLUSTER>,!<NAMESPACE>


argocd proj add-destination frontend frontend


# Do not allow any app to be installed in `kube-system`
- namespace: '!kube-system'
server: '*'
# Or any cluster that has a URL of `team1-*`
- namespace: '*'
server: '!https://team1-*'
# Any other namespace or server is fine though.
- namespace: '*'
server: '*'
  1. 创建APP
  • --repo: 仓库URL
  • --path: k8s部署清单目录相对仓库路径的位置, 也可以是URL
  • --dest-server: 使用的Kubernetes集群
  • --dest-namespace default: 部署在什么命名空间
  • --sync-option CreateNamespace=true: 自动创建命名空间
argocd app create <app> \
--repo \
--path <app> \
--dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
--dest-namespace <namespace>
--sync-option CreateNamespace=true


apiVersion:  # 指定 Argo CD API 版本
kind: Application # 定义资源类型为 Application
metadata: # 元数据部分
name: frontend # 指定 Application 的名称
namespace: frontend # 指定 Application 所属的命名空间
# 定义资源的 finalizers
- # 删除时行级联删除
#- # 删除时后台行级联删除
spec: # 规范部分
project: frontend # 应用程序将被配置的项目名称,这是在 Argo CD 中应用程序的一种组织方式
source: # 指定源
# Kubernetes 资源清单在仓库中的路径
path: frontend/ci
# 指定 Git 仓库的 URL
# targetRevision:想要使用的 git 分支
targetRevision: HEAD
# 部署应用到Kubernetes 集群中的位置
namespace: frontend # 指定应用的命名空间
server: # 如果部署到同一集群,可以省略
syncPolicy: # 指定同步策略
automated: # 自动化同步
prune: true # 启用资源清理
selfHeal: true # 启用自愈功能
allowEmpty: false # 禁止空资源
syncOptions: # 同步选项
- Validate=false # 禁用验证
- CreateNamespace=true # 启用创建命名空间
retry: # 重试策略
limit: 5 # 重试次数上限
backoff: # 重试间隔
duration: 10s # 初始重试间隔
factor: 2 # 重试间隔因子
maxDuration: 3m # 最大重试间隔

  1. 手动同步:
argocd app sync <app>


argocd app delete guestbook



kubectl -n argocd get applications


kubectl get appproject -n argocd


argocd account list
kubectl patch -n argocd cm argocd-cm --type='json' -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/data/accounts.alice"}]'


argocd account get --account <username>


argocd account generate-token --account admin



p, role:admin, applications, *, */*, allow
p, role:admin, clusters, get, *, allow
p, role:admin, repositories, get, *, allow
p, role:admin, repositories, create, *, allow
p, role:admin, repositories, update, *, allow
p, rol:admin, repositories, delete, *, allow
p, role:admin, projects, get, *, allow
p, role:admin, projects, create, *, allow
p, role:admin, projects, update, *, allow
p, role:admin, projects, delete, *, allow
p, role:admin, logs, get, *, allow
p, role:admin, exec, create, */*, allow
g, admin, role:admin


  • 验证包含rbac的yml或csv文件
argocd admin settings rbac validate --policy-file argocd-rbac-cm.yml
  • 验证命名空间的argocd-rbac-cm.yml文件:
argocd admin settings rbac validate --namespace argocd


argocd admin settings rbac can role:org-admin get applications --policy-file argocd-rbac-cm.yaml



argocd [option]


      --auth-token string               Authentication token
--client-crt string Client certificate file
--client-crt-key string Client certificate key file
--config string Path to Argo CD config (default "/home/user/.config/argocd/config")
--controller-name string Name of the Argo CD Application controller; set this or the ARGOCD_APPLICATION_CONTROLLER_NAME environment variable when the controller's name label differs from the default, for example when installing via the Helm chart (default "argocd-application-controller")
--core If set to true then CLI talks directly to Kubernetes instead of talking to Argo CD API server
--grpc-web Enables gRPC-web protocol. Useful if Argo CD server is behind proxy which does not support HTTP2.
--grpc-web-root-path string Enables gRPC-web protocol. Useful if Argo CD server is behind proxy which does not support HTTP2. Set web root.
-H, --header strings Sets additional header to all requests made by Argo CD CLI. (Can be repeated multiple times to add multiple headers, also supports comma separated headers)
-h, --help help for argocd
--http-retry-max int Maximum number of retries to establish http connection to Argo CD server
--insecure Skip server certificate and domain verification
--kube-context string Directs the command to the given kube-context
--logformat string Set the logging format. One of: text|json (default "text")
--loglevel string Set the logging level. One of: debug|info|warn|error (default "info")
--plaintext Disable TLS
--port-forward Connect to a random argocd-server port using port forwarding
--port-forward-namespace string Namespace name which should be used for port forwarding
--redis-haproxy-name string Name of the Redis HA Proxy; set this or the ARGOCD_REDIS_HAPROXY_NAME environment variable when the HA Proxy's name label differs from the default, for example when installing via the Helm chart (default "argocd-redis-ha-haproxy")
--redis-name string Name of the Redis deployment; set this or the ARGOCD_REDIS_NAME environment variable when the Redis's name label differs from the default, for example when installing via the Helm chart (default "argocd-redis")
--repo-server-name string Name of the Argo CD Repo server; set this or the ARGOCD_REPO_SERVER_NAME environment variable when the server's name label differs from the default, for example when installing via the Helm chart (default "argocd-repo-server")
--server string Argo CD server address
--server-crt string Server certificate file
--server-name string Name of the Argo CD API server; set this or the ARGOCD_SERVER_NAME environment variable when the server's name label differs from the default, for example when installing via the Helm chart (default "argocd-server")
  • argocd account - Manage account settings
    argocd account - 管理帐户设置
  • argocd admin - Contains a set of commands useful for Argo CD administrators and requires direct Kubernetes access
    argocd admin - 包含一组对 Argo CD 管理员有用的命令,需要直接访问 Kubernetes
  • argocd app - Manage applications
    argocd app - 管理应用程序
  • argocd appset - Manage ApplicationSets
    argocd appset - 管理应用程序集
  • argocd cert - Manage repository certificates and SSH known hosts entries
    argocd cert - 管理存储库证书和 SSH 已知主机条目
  • argocd cluster - Manage cluster credentials
    argocd cluster - 管理集群凭据
  • argocd completion - output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
    argocd completion - 指定 shell(bash 或 zsh)的输出 shell 完成代码
  • argocd context - Switch between contexts
    argocd context - 在上下文之间切换
  • argocd gpg - Manage GPG keys used for signature verification
    argocd gpg - 管理用于签名验证的 GPG 密钥
  • argocd login - Log in to Argo CD
    argocd login - 登录 Argo CD
  • argocd logout - Log out from Argo CD
    argocd logout - 从 Argo CD 注销
  • argocd proj - Manage projects
    argocd proj - 管理项目
  • argocd relogin - Refresh an expired authenticate token
    argocd relogin - 刷新过期的身份验证令牌
  • argocd repo - Manage repository connection parameters
    argocd repo - 管理仓库连接参数
  • argocd repocreds - Manage repository connection parameters
    argocd repocreds - 管理存储库连接参数
  • argocd version - Print version information
    argocd version - 打印版本信息